

Rabu, 22 November 2017

Pria Bernama Muhammad Ini Diturunkan Paksa Dari Bus di AS

Pria Bernama Muhammad Ini Diturunkan Paksa Dari Bus di AS

10Berita – Seorang cendekiawan Muslim diturunkan paksa dari bus malam yang ditumpanginya di Amerika Serikat lantaran dirinya memiliki nama Muhammad.

Peristiwa ini disampaikan oleh Mohammad Reza Sardari di akun Facebooknya awal pekan ini, lengkap dengan video argumen dirinya dengan sopir bus malam Greyhound jurusan Dallas ke Missouri itu. Penyandang gelar Ph.D. dari universitas di AS ini tiba-tiba dibangunkan oleh sopir pada pukul 3 pagi, dan diminta turun.

“Sopir wanita mendatangi saya dan meminta tiket saya. Saya menunjukkan tiket di ponsel saya. Melihat nama saya di tiket, yaitu ‘Mohammad’, dia mengatakan ‘Tiket Anda tidak diterima, dan karena Anda tidak punya tiket tercetak, anda harus turun dari bus,” tulis Reza di akun Facebooknya pada 16 November lalu.

Reza yang hendak memenuhi undangan pada konferensi di Dallas itu lantas menunjukkan tiketnya yang telah dicetak. Namun tetap saja, sopir itu berkeras mengusirnya, bahkan mengancam akan memanggil polisi.

Ahli perencanaan kota dan transportasi dari University of Texas di Arlington dan peraih beasiswa di Massachusetts Institute of Technology ini bertanya alasan dia diturunkan paksa, sopir itu tidak menjelaskannya, hanya berkata: “Saya tidak ingin berbicara dengan anda!” (Kmp/Ram)

Berikut rekaman video yang diunggah Reza ke media sosial Facebook;

My Name & My Story! I rode a Greyhound Lines bus from Dallas, TX to Kansas City, MO to attend TRB conference and present the paper. While I was sleeping, the bus made a stop in Wichita, KS station at 3:00 am. Then the driver lady came to me and woke me up and asked for my ticket. I showed her my ticket on my phone. Seeing my name on the ticket, which is "Mohammad", she told me “Your ticket is not acceptable and since you don’t have a printed version of it, you have to leave the bus.” Then I found my printed ticket in my back pack and showed it to her, but again she asked me to leave the bus. I asked for the reason and she responded “I don’t want to talk to you!” I felt that I needed a clear answer to that problem so I refused to leave the bus, so she called police and while waiting for police one of the passengers who was a white male guy threatened me while shouting at me “Don’t waste our time waiting for the police, otherwise I will … this bus!”After police came, they told me since this is a private property, this driver has the right to refuse providing service to me and they ignored my request on the reason why I was treated like that! I have to mention that I am a no drama guy and I stayed calm and courteous throughout the ordeal. I had to take LYFT to be able to attend the conference. I appreciate your suggestions or sharing this story to prevent these attitudes in future. Regards, Mohammad Reza Sardari 11-15-2017 #Students #News #Cnn #Foxnews #Greyhound #MyNameIsMohammad #Discrimination #xenophobia Greyhound Bus Greyhound Bushttps://youtu.be/uFZMnTbUZEE

Posted by Reza Sardari on Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Sumber : Eramuslim